About Me

My culinary career has led me to increasingly specialise in the management of complex multi-cultural projects, and their staff.


I have extensive experience at an international level in strategic forward-planning; operating within the tight financial disciplines imposed by ambitious budgets – which I have helped to plan; methodical administration to deadlines (not to speak of crisis management where necessary); and the application of modern leadership methods (through staff motivation and involvement in both decision-making and target-setting, clarity in communication, and easy personal inter-relations).


My own cosmopolitan background and analytical interests in other cultures, together with a broader understanding of expectations of staff and management in a multicultural situation, have left me confident and adept in handling negotiations that require the reconciliation of different national approaches to otherwise common problems.


I believe in a hands-on approach in all areas of the operation. This includes staff supervision, food preparation and most importantly financial control of each operation that I oversee. Equally important to me is the notion of skills transference across all departments, from teaching sound kitchen practices and empowering people with the skills required to increase their own knowledge and opportunities – while increasing the bottom line for the employer.