Maena Godfrey Shokane
About Me
37177 Thobela Street
Extension 22 Lusaka
Mamelodi East
06 May 2022
I am hereby applying for any advertised post. I already possess experience of a similar role and have all of the skills highlighted in your job description. This fact alone makes me confident that I will be able to hit the ground running and become an immediate and valuable asset to your company.
Based on the experience that I have gained over the last 3 years with my present employer, I am now well-versed in hospitality skills.
The attached CV will give more details of my abilities; however what it does not show is my professional demeanour, smart appearance and ambition to be the best at whatever I do. I am a confident and very adaptable individual who has a deep hunger to learn and grow professionally.
Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to meeting with you soon.
Yours Faithfully